February 15, 2022
Media Contact:
Gorilla Netting LLC
+1 (800) 274-1079
[email protected]
Damaged Driving Range Netting At Sugar Grove Golf Center Gets A Much Needed Replacement
Weather And Poor Craftsmanship Contributed To The Damaged Netting System
(Tampa, Florida) Sugar Grove Golf Center in Sugar Grove, Illinois, was the casualty of harsh weather and poor craftsmanship by a previous netting contractor. Although the previous netting system was in place for quite some time, it’s remarkable that more dangerous issues didn’t present themselves before being addressed.
Sugar Grove Golf Center awarded a bid to replace the netting panels on their driving range to Gorilla Netting, a Florida-based netting contractor. Once a crew arrived to begin replacing the weathered and deteriorated netting, at the height of the netting system, 65-feet up, crew members were stunned to find severely damaged hardware, missing hardware, broken cables, and rotted push poles braced to individual support poles with only thin angled metal strips.
Rather than simply replacing the netting panels and moving on, Gorilla Netting removed the rotted push poles, any damaged or improperly installed hardware, and netting. The push poles were replaced with new down guy wires and anchors. The damaged and improperly installed hardware was replaced with new powerline/utility-grade hardware. The netting was replaced with new knotless polyester golf netting. The new driving range netting, hardware, and down guys installed by Gorilla Netting gave the driving range a much fresher look and removed many hazards in the process.
Gorilla Netting is an international netting contractor specializing in sports and barrier netting systems for virtually any application. Gorilla Netting serves customers of all types, including public and private companies, county and state municipalities, golf courses, golf driving ranges, baseball fields, colleges and universities, government agencies, and the United States military. Gorilla Netting barrier netting systems help offer increased safety and protection to facilities and their customers, employees, and surrounding properties… Click here to view the full press release.
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