A week ago I posted a short article about contraband delivery into correctional facilities, and since that time there have been numerous reports of drones delivering contraband into secure correctional facilities, some successful, some not. This latest article out of our home state of Florida reports in the last 30 days there have been two confirmed drone drops at Florida prisons, noting:
“We know that drones are a real issue,” FDC spokeswoman Michelle Glady said, adding that aside from the two confirmed sightings, there have been several other suspected drone-related drops.
At Gorilla Netting, we are working with correctional facilities to install contraband prevention netting systems that can be built to mitigate or stop contraband delivery by air (drone drop flyovers), as well as security perimeter fencing toss-overs that occur at the same rate or higher.
This problem is not just limited to Florida or South Carolina. Facility managers we’ve been working within GA have reported multiple attempts of contraband delivery by drone in the past 30 days at their facility as well. It’s a growing problem that needs a solution, and we can help!
Each attempt is a threat and it’s our job to be one step ahead. Along with our current contraband prevention netting systems, we’re working with some of our manufacturing partners to test new systems. These new systems will go through rigorous testing until we succeed in producing an innovative product for our partners in the corrections and security industries.
Connect with us to see how we can help your facility mitigate outside contraband delivery by drones and perimeter toss-overs.
#contrabandpreventionnetting #contrabandnetting #deptofcorrections #prisonnetting #jailnetting