We believe High Performance, and High Value is demonstrated through the standards set by Gorilla Netting and the consistent management of these standards by all employees. We believe that working safely is a condition of employment, and failure to meet this condition has consequences. Every employee has the right as well as the responsibility to refuse unsafe work if our standards are not upheld. All employees also have a duty to be familiar with the tools provided by Gorilla Netting to maintain a safe work environment. Gorilla Netting’s care for all of its employees drives management to establish the following Target Zero standards:
- Must be drug and alcohol-free, wearing proper personal protective equipment, and orientated for the task.
- All incidents included personal injury, near hits, equipment damage, vehicle incidents, or environmental incidents that will be immediately reported to the direct supervisor.
- Prior to beginning a critical task, personnel must review the applicable safe operating procedure / JSA (Job Safety Analysis).
- Prior to working on equipment, all energy sources must be locked out, tagged and de-energized by means of electrical or mechanical isolation. Individuals working on equipment must verify that all standards are met prior to beginning repairs.
- Safety devices will not be bypassed unless an approved deviation process (management of change) is completed that provides an equivalent level of safety while the device is inoperable. These devices would include, but not limited to, smoke alarms, crown savers, board savers, brake alarm, and link tilt alarm. All safety devices must be inspected and tested on an approved schedule and in good working order at all times.
- Seat belts must be worn. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure all passengers are secured.
- Distracted driving rules must be followed:
- Not texting, no emails, no calls unless a hands-free device is used.
- Distracted driving rules also apply to heavy equipment, e.g., forklifts, loaders, bobcats, trucks, as well as road vehicles.
- Only employees trained in fall protection will work at height. Personnel will be secured with appropriate fall protection equipment and follow standards established in safe operating procedures.
- Consistent with Gorilla Netting’s Core Values, it is imperative that work environments be free from harassment, including hostility, violence, and contempt. An environment where respect is held between team members, it supports our continual focus toward reinforcing safe work behaviors and identifying and correcting those people at risk.
We believe all injuries, occupational illnesses, and environmental harm can be prevented through good communication, using the tools in our Safety Management Systems and engaging all personnel in the preplanning of every task and maintaining a continual focus on the task at hand by the minute, the hour and throughout the day.
We believe nothing is so important or urgent that we cannot take the time to do it safely. Safety is the ultimate measurement of High Performance, which, in turn, leads to improved cost, profitability, quality, and crew morale. Safety is our priority.
We believe it is our responsibility to protect new employees, and they will succeed when given respect and the knowledge they deserve. New employee orientations, on-site orientations, and the on-site training are tools that we know help to develop valuable, long-term Gorilla Netting employees.
We believe all employees should have a voice that is heard without criticism.
We believe safety is everyone’s responsibility, and supervisors must lead by example because actions speak louder than words – “I hear what you say, and I see what you mean.”
We believe management has a responsibility to educate and train employees to work safely. People act in ways that make sense to them and informed employees make logical decisions.
We believe the highest level of employee performance is determined by standards set by Gorilla Netting and consistently maintained by all site supervisors. Standards are established when understood. Standards are maintained when followed.
We believe housekeeping at our location is the first step in creating a safe work environment and a direct reflection of our safety standards.
We believe working safely is a condition of employment. You have the right and responsibility to refuse unsafe work.
We believe all equipment and operating exposures can be safeguarded. It is everyone’s responsibility to identify deficiencies and create awareness to assure corrections are made immediately.
We believe Target Zero is achievable through personal intervention and safety observations while utilizing a questioning attitude, such as:
- If the unexpected happens, could I or someone else be injured… “Is it time to Step Back?”
- How can this job be done safely?
- Have we completed and reviewed an observation, critical procedure, or JSA (Job Safety Analysis)?
We believe “It’s People, It’s Personal.”
Gorilla Netting people doing the right things, applying their knowledge, and utilizing the tools available will create a culture that will reduce the risk of injury on and off the job.